Saturday, February 9, 2013

going to make this into Valentine's Day cards

I'm going to make these photos of my girls into Valentine's Day cards.  Where the pencil is is where we're going to put a sucker stick. Wish I could say that I thought of this idea but I saw it a few years ago when someone else did it with their kids. Cool idea tho.

Feb 9

Crashed out.

Crashed out in my bed.  never to old to cuddle with momma.  Well there will be a time but right now they still love to cuddle before bed with me.

Feb 8

temporary tattoos

Love, love, love how this photo came out.  I love the temporary tattoos that T got for her birthday and where the girls wanted to put them on their bodies.  the comp is so cool too.

Feb 3

birthday card

A birthday card from her Aunt, Uncle and cousins!  Got to love family, and a cousin just about 2 years older then she is.    

Feb 2

Last day of being 5

Last day of being 5.  A lot has happened in this year.  Lets hope the next one is even better! Her Nana and Grandpa sent her flowers because hey what girl doesn't like getting flowers for her birthday?  And they are her favorite colors purple with a bit of pink.

Feb 1

walking up to the bus stop

Cool view walking up to the bus stop to get the girls. Really pretty just with the cold rain that came with it was snow.

Jan 30

Toad in the hole

Toad in the hole it's what's for breakfast.  It's the new thing at our house and Edd loves making and eating them.  Each time we make one it's done with a different cookie cutter.

Jan 27

Girly Lego

Not sure what this is but hey, new legos are always fun!  T moved up from Duplos to Legos at Christmas and she's loving them.  No more tower-powers but loads of fun.  Only wish they made more girly Legos.

Jan 26

New 'do but really tired eyes

Jan 23