Sunday, January 31, 2010

T's thing

I'm not sure what's this is all about.  T decided to put dish towels on the ground until hubby told her to stop and use her baby blankets.  So she did then she ran and ran and ran around the butcher block.  I wasn't sure why but hey I'm not 3 in 2 days.  LOL
I put my camera up to my eye and as I was snapping it T wanted to get in on it, so I had to take one of her.  Isn't she a cutie hamming it up for the camera?
I'm not sure what's it about or what it means, but when I picked up the towels and blankets (she added more after I took the pictures) she had a crying fit.  I did say that she can make it again and that seem to cheer her up.  This is a WTF kind of photos. 

Jan 31

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Nails in board

This morning we were talking now that the kitchen is done we need to start on a new project.  Hubby said something about starting on the basement.  I said I rather do the fireplace first.  Before my second cup of coffee he started ripping the mantel out.  So now it's begun.  I really hope that we can finish it in less then 2 or 3 weeks.  Here's a photo of part of a board that had about 40 nails in it.

Jan 30

Friday, January 29, 2010

It looks like rain

for the last week I've had a headache ~less then a migraine but more then just a headache.  I get weather "headaches."  No fun with the weather is always changing.  Thanks to some on-line friends telling me about vitamin B (B6, B12 and Biotin) that seems to help and believe it or not Botox helps too.  I think I need to get it done again, the pain is coming back like before.....anyhoo I thought I would take a picture of the clouds.  Making it feel like a cold weather blanket covering the world.  It looks like it's going to rain and when it does, it will make my head feel like the pressure has vanished!

Jan 29

Thursday, January 28, 2010

it's what for dinner

I was making dinner tonight and I noticed that some of the stuff sitting together looked really cool, like an advertisement or something.  I added the other stuff and voila it's dinner.  Today it's not very exciting just dinner packaging....oh by the way dinner was really good.

Jan 28

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Red shoes

If you didn't know, Edd loves red.  That being said, she has had these red shoes for over a year and she would wear them ALL THE TIME or as often as she could.  They got so ragged that hubby wouldn't let her wear then when they went out together.  They really got raggedy and I've been looking for some new red shoes for her with no luck...but I did talk her into getting some shoes like her favorite one only in black.  I made a deal with her that I would not throw out her favorite shoes, she just couldn't wear them out of the house.  She was happy with that.  BUT today she surprised me!  This morning she was hunting for shoes to wear to school and came across her favorite pair, she pulled them out and before I could get "you are not wearing those..." she told me that they needed to be thrown away.  O-MY-GOD!  No way!  This is coming from the girl who was crying when I told her that she couldn't wear them any more.   I had to photography them!  No question about it.  I am even thinking of saving them so in a few years she can come across them and smile when she see them.
What do you think?  should I save them or let the trash man take them?

Jan 27


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

flowers & a gargoyle

I bought some flowers the other day.  The thing with living in Georgia you can still have flowers in the "dead of winter," it was only about 45 or so today.  I really want to plant them in the back but, just to get them out of my car can take a while so after taking them out I put them in the front next to my garden gargoyle.

Jan 26

Monday, January 25, 2010

tree dancers

or maybe they're just playing ring around the rosey with the tree.  This is a sculptor in front of the rec-center in Alpharetta.  I've been wanting to take a photo of it for years.  And tonight didn't have an idea to photo something.  I took a photo of a ball in the gym at the rec-center as I'm waiting for Edd's dance class to end, but I didn't really care for it.  It got me wondering if that was all I was going to take today.....until I look out my window and see this.  Like, I said I've always loved looking at this sculptor but seeing it in this photo it gives it a magical and grainy look in the twilight.
Jan 25

Sunday, January 24, 2010

what do you see?

Found things around while I was cleaning my desk, put them together and added more stuff.  Lots of stuff to look at.  What do you see?

Jan 24

Saturday, January 23, 2010

winter cardinal

I love the look of cardinals in the winter.  The RED of them in the gray looking trees without leaves makes the cardinals look so different then in the summer.  In my backyard there are at least 3 male cardinals looking for mates....or food.  Today I  saw 3 fluttering about.  It was a cold and blustery day as you can see with this little guy all puffed up to stay warm.  I was able to take a few shots of him before he flew away like the other two did before I could get outside with my camera.

Jan 23

Friday, January 22, 2010

new puppy

Meet Rae, or that's what she might be called.  She's a 9 week old pitbull puppy.  No not mine ~my husband would kill me if I brought home a new dog~ we're not dog people.  She's my son and DIL's new puppy.  My DIL brought her by with her when she came to watch T for me today.  And Rae is a scary cat.  My cat Chocolate (chocolate kitty) is not to crazy about dogs and has to find a way to claw them, that's why Rae has a scratched eye. Marisa put Rae on the floor for just a minute and Chocolate zapped her.  Poor Rae, she didn't know what to do, she yipped and looked like she wanted to hide, but didn't know were to go. :-(  We put a little neosporin on the cut.  It looks worse then it really is, but other then that, isn't she a cute little thing?

Jan 22

Thursday, January 21, 2010

a dollar & keys

I got this dollar today and thought it looked cool, so I wanted to take a photo of it.  Added my keys because I thought would add character to the pic.

Jan 21

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Canadain geese

I decided to bring my camera with me while doing all sort of running around today.  I got lucky with this shot, I didn't even have to get out of the car for it. :-D  I stopped at a stop sign and this is what I saw.  I just had to take their picture.  I love the way the goose is looking in the same direction as the One Way sign is pointing which by the way is pointing NORTH!  LOL   You know spring is near in Georgia when you start seeing Canadian geese in January.

Jan 20

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

T again

Not her, but some of the stuff she needs to wear most days.  Today she had 2 OT appointments and it got me thinking about what she had to do to get her right side of her body to be "normal."
"Normal" what a word!  As Patsy Clairmont's title of one of her book said "Normal is Just a Setting on Your Dryer."  Really what is "normal"?  Any way this is the stuff she her "butterfly boot" which is really her leg/foot brace so she doesn't walk on her toes and turn her foot in and under.  Her hand brace, and a new cast for her left hand so she can/will use her right hand.

Jan 19

Monday, January 18, 2010


I had to take my youngest in for an EEG scan today.  It's not as scary as it seems or looks.  You just need to have them sleep deprived so that they can get a reading of the brain awake and asleep.  Here's what it looks like with all the electrodes hooked up to her head.

Jan 18

Sunday, January 17, 2010

bad hair day

We all have them!  The day when you just put your hair up and don't care....that is until you think about going out of the house for something.  Then it's O-M-G! I need a haircut...bad, or a pair of scissors or just your husband's hair clippers to shave it all off.  I think today is one of those days for me.  LOL  And you lucky people get to see it.  Bah-hahaha that is my photo of the day, my hair.  I'm having a bad hair day. :-)~

Jan 17

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Ever since we moved into our house we've gotten a few ladybugs every winter.  And this year is no exception.  The only place we have them is in the master bath.  I saw them this morning as I was taking a shower.  Four little ladybugs on the window ledge, lets hope we don't have more by spring.
A little know fact is if you call an exterminator to kill, they won't it's illegal, they are what you call a "good" bug. Go figure.

Jan 16

Friday, January 15, 2010


Ladies, you know how you know you should do all that laundry that been piling up and them B-A-M! It's just seems like it's too much?  That's what happened to me today.  I had 6-7 loads that I didn't want to do, then I realized that it's not going to get done by its self.  To motivated me I did before/after photos.  I got it all folded and put it away.  YES!  And you KNOW what I mean!  LOL

Jan 15
before :-(


Thursday, January 14, 2010

8. No Running

Check out the new playground rules.  LOL  I love it...N-O-T!  Aren't children suppose to run (#8) and play at a PARK!  LOL and what is it about equipment is for 2-12 yr olds (#2) if there are baby swings.  Please, I think they really need to rethink these rules.  The funny thing is they just put up the sign and for 2-3 years we didn't know that we couldn't eat at the park (#5).  LOL

Jan 14

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I grabbed my camera for the heck of it to take Edd to school and this is what I got.  frosty morning on the way to Edd's school.

Jan 13

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


As soon as Wolfie told me she was coming home I know that I wanted to take some photos of their dogs.    Ludacris is a such a pretty yellow lab that he got to be the shoot of the day.  The thing is I want to call him Ludo, like Ludo from the movie the Labyrinth.

Jan 12

Monday, January 11, 2010

big tower

Today is one of color.  My kiddos like to make block (duplos and mega blocks) towers.  B-I-G towers Momma.  And with the sun coming in on the big tower it was just too pretty not to take a few shots of it. Three different views of the same tower.

Jan 11

chocolate kitty

I know I forgot to post yesterday but my uncle and his girl friend where over.  I did take photos tho does that count?  LOL  I took some good ones of Sue and Edd, but I wanted to take some more photos.  I took photos of my knee, and some of my cat, Chocolate.  The one of Chocolate won out....hands down as you can see.  hehehe  And you can thank Megan a former co-worker of mine who was showing me photos that she taken of her kitty, Puppy.  Hell they're cats do they ever come when they're called.  ;-)~

Jan 10

Saturday, January 9, 2010

T & J's wedding

This morning at 8 am Tammy and Jerry got married.  They met at work, so why not get married there before it opened?  It was great.  I love them both and hope they have a long happy life together.  And the best thing is I got a good shot of the wedding kiss!  And here it is!
Jan 9

Friday, January 8, 2010

snowy garden

My youngest 2 daughters and I went outside to play on the first snowy day of the season.  Living in Georgia we don't get much snow so all you northern out there laughing...I know.  :-P

In Nelyn's little garden the statues looked so beautiful that I had to take photos of them.  And yes I did take photos of my girls, but I'm not posting them here today, today it is all about how beautiful these little statues looked in the snow, covered with bits of dirt like a little boy that should have been here on a day like today.

The weather is crisp and clear, you can hear the snow crunch under your feet.  Your feet getting colder by the minute because you forgot how cold it can be walking in the snow.  Your breath is blowing in the cold breeze as you exhale. Feeling the sting of the air as you inhale.  Such a wonderful day to feel alive.  AND that is what it looked like when I saw these statues, like they were alive or just one breath away for becoming alive.  So today you get 4 special photos of 3 very special things that remind me of my son.

Tell which one you like the best.

Jan 8

Thursday, January 7, 2010

car dealer's service department

I had to take one of our cars in for an oil change and I've been there many times before but today was a first.  There was ants in the waiting area.  Nothing big about them they were sugar ants and where there is sweets there are ants.  I'm glad I took my camera, I was hoping to take a photo of were the cars line up inside thru the garage doors but this was better, I got to stay warm.  Not knowing about the ants until T & I had some donuts I had to take a photo of her noshing on one.  So for today I'm putting up 2 pictures.

Jan 7

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Elmo slippers

Today is the day that I wanted to start doing the 365 blue photos.  I got my name for many reasons one I've been "bluebox" for years and I love the color blue.  So with 365 days in a year and this blog about photos I thought that I would use that, nope not going to happen already taken.  *Light bulb* use the blue that you have for years so I'm 365 blue photos.

But isn't ironic that the first color I shot is red?  ~LOL~ But hey "Elmo loves you!"

Jan 6

T's hair

Yesterday my youngest daughter cut the top of her hair.  She has such pretty blond hair, she didn't do such a bad (good?) job as her sister E but she did cut her hair.  Oh it was/is not pretty but there is nothing I could do besides shave her hair down to where it is the shortest...and that's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.  LOL  Here is the little hair ball of her hair that she cut.  Mind you, she has very straight fine blond hair.

Jan 5

First photo I took of 2010

Here's the first photo that I took this year.  And I bet this is one of the ones that you are going WTF on.  My daughters decided to put stickers on the cat.  Princess stickers.  Yes they are girly-girls.

 January 2

Jan 2 blue eyes

Jan 2 part 2

here's my "middlest" daughter saying that she doesn't want to get dressed for bed.  she put here jammies on her face as a giggle to see what I would do.  I had my camera in hand and took a few photos of her.  This is one of the first photos I took this year.

365 blue photos

I know that everyone who picks up a camera says they want to do a photo a day....well I'm joining the club.  LOL  I going to try to do it.  They may not be great and lets just say it most of them won't be.  (hehe)  But I'm going to try.  It's going to be with a few types of camera or at least 2.  My baby, my canon and I'm going to get another point and shoot.  Hell I might even get one of those disposable digital cameras to take photos with.  If I haven't posted in awhile let me know, I would love for people to get on my back and tell me to "Get going come on you said!!!!" :-D  You can even let me know if you like it or don't.  It wouldn't even be wrong to say WTF is that?

So on that note here's my first few photos that I have taken since 2010 began.