Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Red shoes

If you didn't know, Edd loves red.  That being said, she has had these red shoes for over a year and she would wear them ALL THE TIME or as often as she could.  They got so ragged that hubby wouldn't let her wear then when they went out together.  They really got raggedy and I've been looking for some new red shoes for her with no luck...but I did talk her into getting some shoes like her favorite one only in black.  I made a deal with her that I would not throw out her favorite shoes, she just couldn't wear them out of the house.  She was happy with that.  BUT today she surprised me!  This morning she was hunting for shoes to wear to school and came across her favorite pair, she pulled them out and before I could get "you are not wearing those..." she told me that they needed to be thrown away.  O-MY-GOD!  No way!  This is coming from the girl who was crying when I told her that she couldn't wear them any more.   I had to photography them!  No question about it.  I am even thinking of saving them so in a few years she can come across them and smile when she see them.
What do you think?  should I save them or let the trash man take them?

Jan 27


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