Saturday, January 5, 2013

lil diva

My beautiful daughter!  Okay I know that everyone thinks their daughter(s) are beautiful and you know what they're right.  We are all bias when it comes to our children.  So I make no excuses in thinking that she is beautiful, and so are my other children.

Anywhoo, the afternoon light was coming through the window and she was wanting me to take her photo. Since I was talking about updating my blog more often and trying to do at least a photo a day she has been "ooo, ooo! take my picture!"  She is such a little diva, loving to pose in from of the camera.

Of the ones that I took I like this one the best.  I can't decide if I like it more in color or black & white.  Tell me what you think, which way do you like it more?

Jan 5


JD said...

Great pic! I like the color one the best since you can see her beautiful blue eyes.

Lynne said...

I think you're right, but the b&w one has POW to it too.