Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bedtime story with Poppa

Don't you just love reading bedtime stories to your kiddos?  Even if they're not your own, it's fun to read kids bedtime stories all snuggled up on your lap, listening to every word.  Today my girls and I went to the bookstore and got some new books.  One for each girl and couple for me ~I love books!~  and since I have laryngitis I couldn't read the one Edd picked out it was their Poppa's turn.  E&T were all snuggled up on hubby's lap and it made such a wonderful picture of the 3 of them.  So out came my camera. :-)  Oh and if you can't read the title of the book it's "Fergus and the Night-Demon and Irish Ghost Story"  by Jim Murphy.  Edd picked this one out -I can't believe she would, my little scaryed cat, as you can see how intent she is listening with her hands in her mouth.  LOL

Feb 7