Saturday, February 27, 2010

feed the birds

The coolest thing about having a early spring is the birds are all around.  The sad thing is that with the really cold weather we've been having the ground is frozen and they can't get to the worms.  I feed the birds stale bread, chips and popcorn.  And this morning it most have been really cold because they were all over my table fighting for the food.....that is until T opened the door to let the cat out.  Boy was her tail twitching before going out.  After she went out no more bird.

Feb 27


Angie Underwood said...


Lynne said...

thanks I think this was number 4 or 5 that I took. I would have love to have stand that and waited for the best shot but alas, I wasn't so lucky. T *had* to let the cat out. LOL