Tuesday, February 9, 2010

cheap chocolate

You would think with St Valentine's day just days away that I would be saving my sweet tooth for that day ~well no, I love cheap chocolate.  I know more expensive chocolate taste better but then I can't have it as much or as often.  AND it makes you jaded to the cheap stuff.  LOL  You would think that I would weigh about 300lbs with the way I eat it...or think about eating it.  Hell, I just like sweets.  I'm not to crazy about V-day but now the day after.....that's another story.  50% off Chocolate!  YAY Baby!!  This is just from a couple of days, okay maybe 3 days.  ;-)~

Feb 9


Angie Underwood said...

I want to come to your house Lynne!

Tonia Sherrill said...

Oh yeah! Us girls MUST have our chocolate.

Lucia said...

You are making me hungry!