Thursday, February 4, 2010

losing lottey tickets

or I could say that it helps pay for Edd to go to school.  Georgia lottery goes for the Hope scholarship and to the GA Pre-K programs.  So I really don't feel bad about buying lottery tickets and them being losers now.  LOL  Okay the real reason I took the photos is because I had a stack of old tickets just sitting on my desk and I needed something to photograph...and there they were!  No, I don't know why I still have them, but hey they made a cool photo.  Oh, one is a winner.  LOL

Feb 4


Me said...

when you win big don't forget to keep photoblogging so we can live vicariously through you!

Lynne said...

of course I will! And if I do win big, I'll even come see you and take your photos if you want. ;-)