Monday, February 8, 2010


Good Morning!  What we wouldn't do for our morning cup of joe!  I love to smell coffee in the morning.  It's one of my guilty pleasures.  Just the smell of it can wake me up.  Taking a deep breath brings a calmness to me, then that first spill.....ahhhh heaven.  I have one of those Keurig ( and love it.  It not just for coffee you can make tea in it too.  Oh and you don't need to always use the k-cups you can get these little filters and use regular coffee, but the k-cups come is so many different flavors that if you like different coffees through out the day it's soooo easy to pop one in.  ;-)~

Feb 8


Tonia Sherrill said...

I am jealous of your Keurig :-) Great photo.

Angie Underwood said...

Your Keurig is much prettier than my Black & Decker! I want to come have coffee at your house!

Me said...

whaaaa... I want one too!