May 30
365 days (more or less) of me taking photos of things around me of my every day life.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
self portrait in the rain
I wanted to take a picture of the heavy rain coming in the dark. I didn't want to get wet so I took one with the door closed and I covered my flash, that didn't work. I opened the door and took it coming down getting wet in the process. Then I went to the front door and took a few there. But the first one is the photo of the day. I love the way it looks, kind of dark and cool at the same time.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
cake or alien?
My mother-in-law is here visiting and she wanted to get my young daughters some play-dough for the girl (and her) to play with. My 5 year old was making a "cake" with it. I didn't think so. I told her that it looked like an alien. Boy, was she was indigent about it. "NO! It's a CAKE momma!" What do you think? Does it look like a cake or an alien to you? front and back views so you can decide.
May 29
Friday, May 28, 2010
by side of the road
Was on my way to the bank and at a long line for a red light I look over and saw this. I thought it was pretty so took a picture of it.
May 28
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
rain and dogs
When it rains and you have dogs that like to play in it you got to leave them out on the porch (under cover protected from the rain) After awhile they just give you those sad eyes to say they want to come in....all wet to get everything else wet. I don't think so! LOL We left them out until they dried, but the girls thought that they looked so sad. There was a lot of "No, don't let the dogs in, they're WET!" and "But why?" from them.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
eyes have it
not very exciting today. just my blue eyed beauty peeking over the table with her barbie doll.
May 25
Sunday, May 23, 2010
2 sprouts
You know how you just go around snapping photos and when your done you don't realize what a great shot you had until you see the all? That's what I got when I looked at the shots today. One is cool in it's own right on being a veggie sprout (I think it's a carrot) and it's been on the deck railing since it was planted and the other is my littlest sprout of mine. This is soo cool. I love the way she's looking at something inside and how you can only see one eye and you get to see a different sort of look in the glass. What do you think? Isn't she beautiful!
May 23
Saturday, May 22, 2010
not so old school camera
I wasn't sure what to make my photo of the day so I was walking around my house take shots of little things, and this one won out. I gave my 5 yr old a disposable camera to take to school on her last day. She used it all and I took the film out remember to take it to get it processed....that was a couple days ago. I need to take it in to see what a 5 yr old will take photos of on the last day of school. :-)
May 22
Friday, May 21, 2010
do teddy bears get drunk?
I had a drink tonight and I put it down next to the teddy bear and thought that IT looked like it was drinking with it sitting there. (So yes, I staged this photo.) I thought it would look cute with the bottle leaning up against the bear. Such a good little princess bear, look at that look on her face she a happy drunk. :-D
May 21
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I heart you
Not sure which of my young daughters did this or when, but I wanted to do a photo of a red heart. I went looking into their coloring paper drawer, as I was going through the pad of paper I saw this. It fit my mood of wanting a heart to photography. It means a lot in a little way; a simple heart drawn by a young hand that means I love you. I <3 my daughters!
May 20
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
sorry I'm getting a bit lacked
I've been kind of not keeping up with my daily blog. I'm going to try to do better. This morning on the way to school I thought this was a really cool shot to take a bird sitting on a traffic light, just sitting there as I was running late. Ahhh to be free as a bird, some days that seem so very nice. :-D
My parents were visiting and they left really early Monday and before they left I had to get a photo of them with my 2 young daughters. Everyone all around had a wonderful visit!
I told some on Sunday of the meat on the grill with my hard cider in the background and yes it was yummy! ;-)
May 18
May 17
I told some on Sunday of the meat on the grill with my hard cider in the background and yes it was yummy! ;-)
May 16
Saturday, May 15, 2010
May 14 & 15
I haven't done much of taking photos in the last few days....really I HAVE taken photos but I haven't posted them. I decide to do 2 today. One from yesterday when my daughter fell asleep on my mom's lap after a busy day. Today after Edd's dance recital and getting flowers from Nana for dancing so well. :-)
May 14
May 15
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
little cemetery
I went to the cemetery yesterday I thought it would be fitting because I was in a gloomy mood. Sometimes it's the only way to put thing into perspective, visiting a cemetery.
May 11

Monday, May 10, 2010
stealing apples
Stealing an apple as I was taking photos of them. Yep, that is what Edd was doing as I was snapping away. Made the photo some much better then just plain apples sitting on a counter.
May 10
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Kylie dog
This is where Kylie has been hanging out at night. I don't think she likes having to share the house with other dogs, some much bigger then herself. Being a yorkie just about every dog is bigger then she is.
May 8
Friday, May 7, 2010
baby lowjack
Got to see my new granddaughter tonight and I thought since she's still in the hospital AND you can't take them out of the baby ward without their mommas that the photo of the day needs to be of her feet with the baby lowjack to keep them safe. Happy birthday baby R, may you have a long and healthy life.
May 7
Thursday, May 6, 2010
my little pony
I been looking at this little pony as I was watching tv and I thought it was a cute little thing to photograph. That's all the reason for shooting the my little pony and other girly things, oh the joy of little girly-girls and their girly things. ;-D
May 6
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Luscious at the door
How does a big yellow lab ask to come in? By trying to get through the kitty door. LOL
Little (hahaha) Luscious wanted to come upstairs and be with the rest of us. It was too cute to see his sad eyes and nose peeking out the kitty door and not to take his photo. Yes, he did end up coming upstairs to be with the rest of us but not before he tried coming through the cat door.
Little (hahaha) Luscious wanted to come upstairs and be with the rest of us. It was too cute to see his sad eyes and nose peeking out the kitty door and not to take his photo. Yes, he did end up coming upstairs to be with the rest of us but not before he tried coming through the cat door.
May 5
Monday, May 3, 2010
last dance class
it was the last day of Edd's dance class today and we the parents were able to go in and see them dance before they went up on stage next week. Oh the joy of seeing little girls dance after working on it all year long. I'm going to miss seeing all the other moms that I made friends with and I know Edd feels the same way about the girls in her class.
May 2
Sunday, May 2, 2010
It's sooo hot out!
Today was one of the hottest day in a long time and I didn't have the air conditioner on just the windows open and my young daughter needed to tell me over and over again how hot she was. She so wanted to go to the pool, but being the mean momma that I am I kept telling her that it wasn't opened yet and that I was not going to pull out the blow up one and fill it up. So Edd thought that it would be a great idea to make a paper fan and show me how to cold off without a pool to play in. Oh the other photos I took of my little diva ~or maybe I should really say "my little southern belle"~ she gives Scarlet O'Hara a run for her money with this one. ;-P
May 2
Saturday, May 1, 2010 cream!
so I'm sitting here watching my daughter eat some ice cream and she didn't even ask me if I wanted some. BUT she's enjoying it so much that I *HAD* to take photos of her eating it. LOL Okay now I'm going to go get myself some of that yummy creamy good cold stuff!
May 1
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