Oct 30
365 days (more or less) of me taking photos of things around me of my every day life.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
pumpkins on the porch part 2
We carved the pumpkins on the porch today into jack-o-lanterns and put them back on the porch today. very simple nothing to exciting about it but it was fun none the less. Do you think that it looks just as cool as the first photo of them still as pumpkins? here's the first photo
this way.....I think
Don't you love going through corn mazes and seeing people trying to figure out how to get here or there or even how to just get out. We went to Uncle Shuck's pumpkin patch and corn maze and had a blast! E&T had so much fun running around to find the next number on the card to get them all. And yes, I had fun too. My daughter, her fiance, my daughter in law and their little kiddos can too. Here a photo not of any of them but of people trying to figure out where the next number is....dude don't bother calling they're lost too. ;-)
Oct 29
snow princess
Edd wanted to be a snow princess for Halloween. After I finished her dress I took photos of her and she raised her arms and said something about let it snow. So now she thinks she's made it snow up in the northeast. Yep, it's all her fault. LOL
Oct 28
The next day
So my baby girl has a seizure yesterday and you would never know looking at her in this photo. WOW what a differences a day can make. One day you wake up your kiddos and realize that your littlest had her 4th seizure and the next day you're giving her kissing as she gets on her bus in the morning. Here's T in the afternoon being her little impish self.
Oct 27
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
T after a seizure
I've always wanted to participate in wordless Wednesday, but I think there is a story behind just about each photo. So without saying anything else.....
Oct 26
pumpkins on the front porch
We went and brought some pumpkins. Just 2, had a fake one that looks real. Can you guess which one is the fake one? put them down by the front door and thought it looked super cool. What do you think? Isn't that a pretty picture. Sometimes I surprise myself with how good of a photography I can take. thankyouverymuch!
I think in a couple of days we'll carve them into jack-o-lanterns!
I think in a couple of days we'll carve them into jack-o-lanterns!
Oct 25
Monday, October 24, 2011
Edd in red
As you already know Edd loves red and today at school was red day. She was excited to be able to wear red from head to toe. So lets see if she has enough red on...
red shirt, {check}
red pants, {check}
red socks, {check}
red shoes, {check}
red earrings, {check}
(not in picture but she even had a red hoodie on this morning.)
yep, I think she's got it all covered. LOL
red shirt, {check}
red pants, {check}
red socks, {check}
red shoes, {check}
red earrings, {check}
(not in picture but she even had a red hoodie on this morning.)
yep, I think she's got it all covered. LOL
Oct 24
he's escaped!
After getting his dirty diaper taken off he takes off so he doesn't have to get a clean diaper on his little tushy! H thought it was great fun to sit in the hall and wait for his momma to come get him. But his Nana (me) just grabbed her camera and took a few photos of him. To get him to smile we pretended to sneeze. Got to love the sound of baby's laughter one of the happiest sounds in the world!!!
Oct 23
Wanted: 2 young knights, princess, tinkerbell
Wanted: 2 knights outfits waiting on some little ones to make them come alive and maybe a princess and/or a Tinkerbell.
I made these outfits and would love to take photos of your little one in one of these make believe clothes.
size 6months-2 yrs for the tinkerbell outfit,
about 18-2 1/2 yrs for the purple princess outfit
The 2 brave knights need to be around 2-5 years of age to fight the make believe dragons. Okay I admit I didn't make the knight outfits I did buy them, but I have tons of ideas for them.
I've got an idea or 4 for these outfits, just need a few little ones to fill them. :-)
I made these outfits and would love to take photos of your little one in one of these make believe clothes.
size 6months-2 yrs for the tinkerbell outfit,
about 18-2 1/2 yrs for the purple princess outfit
The 2 brave knights need to be around 2-5 years of age to fight the make believe dragons. Okay I admit I didn't make the knight outfits I did buy them, but I have tons of ideas for them.
I've got an idea or 4 for these outfits, just need a few little ones to fill them. :-)
Oct 20

Chomper-butt was staying with us for a few days, but she wasn't feeling very good. She did something to her leg. She wasn't putting any weight on it, I could rub it and push on it without her crying out so we don't think it was too bad. You can see in her eyes that she's not feeling 100%.
Oct 19
update on Chomper-butt she's doing better and she's been putting some weight on that back leg.
Happy birthday!
You can't have ~or I should say you shouldn't~ a birthday without some sort of cake with candles. It was my DIL birthday so my oldest daughter made dinner and we had some (cheese)cake and ice cream! Here she is blowing out the candles after we sang her Happy Birthday ~on key and but out of tune. And you got to love her daughter peeking over the edge of the table wondering what's going on. LOL
Oct 18
Photo shot in Grant Park
Went on a photo season with lovely Ms S. here's one of the photos we took, she wanted a photo of her with my girls so here it is. We had a great time and clicked like old friends. She happy that I told her that she was beautiful and asked her to be my model. E&T really liked her too.
Oct 17
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
lil lady L!
I did a photo session on this day. The lil lady didn't really want to smile but we did get a few. This one happens to be my favorite though, she is showing her personally in all it's glory a little shy, a bit reserved with an attitude of a 2 year old. You can just see the look of "ahhh, ya I see you and you can't make me smile." It was fun and got lots of great photos.
Oct 16
fall festival
It was such a great day for a festival....if it was summer and not a fall day. It was about 85* and sunny. No way I was going to pull out my fall sweaters. But anywho......at the festival there was a little petting zoo. As we're walking in E&T were told that they could pick up the animals up and hold them if they wanted to. As soon as T saw the chicken she went right over and picked it up. Edd was a little more reserved about it, she asked to hold the dove and the lady there put it on her shoulder. I think both photos are great and couldn't decide which one I wanted to use, so I used both.
Oct 15
Tiki kitty
Yep the old girl is still around hanging on. She's 18 years old and decided to go hang out on the back deck and soak up the last day of warm weather before the cold came barreling in. She looks like her younger self in this photo.
Oct 14
gloomy day at the lake
I was suppose to have a photo shoot on this day but the weather was gloomy and rainy so we rescheduled it for another day. I decided that I would go to the Lake Lanier and see what it looked like. I'm glad I did! It was so pretty, quiet and calm. No one was there or it seemed like it, the area where was at seemed like I was on a movie set somewhere in Scotland....okay if it's in the 70* in Oct, but you get the picture with this photo. Mystical.
Oct 13
lil pumpkins
a couple days after the dairy/pumpkin farm I *finely?* took photos of the pumpkins we got. Yep, they'll little pumpkins, I really don't like getting big too early. Coming from an area where there are LOTS of squirrels they seem to eat them before you get a chance to carve them into jack o lanterns. But since we where there we had to get some type of pumpkins. Here they are front and center on the dining room table so when you come into the house you can see them. Aren't they cute?
Oct 12
cutting veggies
I guess I like taking pictures of food. I've been doing that a lot. This time it was veggies for my salad. after I got done cutting what I wanted I went to get the bag of lettuce, turned back around and thought "wow, that looks really cool!" ran and got my camera and snapped a couple shots. I think it's the colors; the cucumber and tomato with the steel of the knife against the wood make so vibrant, so pretty that I thought it would make a good photo.
Oct 11
bye-bye Auntie
Time to say bye-bye to aunt Bar-bar. E&T had so much fun while she was visiting. This photo one of them made a picture so she could take it home with her to hang it up on her frig. Love how they all look so happy together. I love my family only wish we lived closer together.
Oct 10
chair outside
We went to a dairy/pumpkin farm as we walked by the Haunted House area there was this dirty, old ~I bet smelling too~ chair just sitting by itself. Made me wonder if it was part of the haunted house thing, not sure how it would be and it was not really close to it. Just weird, but cool looking so I took a photo of it and instead of any of my family for my photo of the day I choose the chair.
Oct 9
me is graduated
yep I finished with school....and now have to look for a job to pay off my school loans. And yes I didn't take this photo but hey I don't think I could get better photo of the day if you asked me! Here I am waiting for graduation to being.
Oct 7
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
For the heck of it I made cookies, the weather might have had something to do with it. Gloomy and sort of cold out. Fresh homemade cookies, okay not really, I didn't make them from scratch. I bought the kind that are in the dairy section of the grocery store. BUT they were fresh from the over and tasted soooo good! Can't go wrong with (pseudo) homemade cookies on a gloomy day.
Oct 5
Mead part 2
Remember the last time I posted about the mead my husband was making? Here it is a few months later looking good. Lets hope come December it will be taste as good as it looks.
Oct 3
park in Oct
What a crazy windy day to go to the park, but we went anyway and spend 2+ hours there. They had so much fun playing on all the park toys.
Oct 1
pink flamingos
I wasn't really trying for something fancy, but it came out pretty cool, so I guess this will do.
Sept 29
one of the last days of September and the weather was beautiful! T is really going to miss playing outside and coloring with chalk this winter.
Sept 29
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Luscious dog
or how ever you spell his name. Got to dog watch him for a few days and I remember how much fun it is to play ball over and over and over again. Guess it wore him out. LOL
Sept 27
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
silly cousins
or it could be called "cousins being silly." LOL Just before we left to go back home we got all the cousins together to get in a few more photos. And of course there was one or two didn't want their picture taken so I say make a silly face. I think they did a really good job at it, don't you? LOL
Sept 25
laughing bride
I was lucky enough to be the photographer for my uncle's wedding and this is one of my favorite photos of the wedding. You can see the love in her eyes as she looks at him along with the laughter that he seems to have a great knack to do. Congrats Uncle Phill and Aunt Sue!
Sept 24
Rainy day at the cider mill
The weather was good ~for the ducks~ but it did hold off raining while we where there to enjoy the donuts and cider at Franklin Cider Mill The kids had a great time and the cider was so yummy....wish there was a good cider mill around me. Oh well I guess this is another reason to visit family in the north.
Sept 23
long day
The day before she rode in a car for 12 hours getting up before she wanted to and on this day she played hard with her sister and cousins. And didn't want to go to sleep, so I put her on the couch and within seconds she was out. Poor warn out kiddo.
Sept 22
Some where in TN
Not sure where this was taken ~ I didn't read the road signs but I took it around 10:00 so I know I was in Tennessee some where. The road was straight for a while and I had my camera in the front seat next to me just for this. But isn't it beautiful? Something like this makes it hard to drive and NOT look at the scenery as you're driving.
Sept 21
dresses are done!
I have went back and read the last 3 post you know that I was sewing from awhile 3 dresses for my uncle's wedding. Well I *DID* finish them before we had to leave. Hung up and ready to go the 12 hours or so to get to Michigan. Happy to say I am very pleased with the way they turned out. Thankyouverymuch!!
Sept 20
sewing my dress
I am such a procrastinator I wait until the last minute to finish things up. I had to get up early and leave in the next 2 days and I just started on my dress. I know about the wedding for months but nope I didn't start on the dang things until the last minute. I paused from sewing to take this photo, but still had a ways to go.
Sept 19
Girl in red
Since you saw T's dress now its Edd's turn, but this time she's in her dress. T didn't want to pose for photos but Edd she's my little model. She loves posing for pix. I think I took about 15+ of her in this red alone. This just happens to be my favorite of them.
Sept 18
T's dress
T loves wearing purple and pink. So for the wedding that we had to go to she wanted a purple dress. So I made a dress for her, here it is all finished just needed to be ironed. She looked so pretty in it too!
chair & shadow
not much to say with this one just that I thought the shadows looked really cool so I took the picture.
Sept 15
that's my youngest daughter's name spelled backwards plus the word cat spelled right. Love how most 4 year olds write their names backwards.
Sept 12
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