Monday, February 28, 2011

hand and boot

It was a beautiful sunny day so off to the park we went.  It's always great to see my kiddos running around and playing, wearing themselves out so they will sleep well, but sometimes T gets tired and needs to sit down and rest for a bit, being only 4 it's bound to happen once in awhile.  It's a wonder she ever sits down, the girl is always on the move doing something.  Being a hemiparesis has never slowed her down and I don't think it ever will!

I confess; I did set it up a bit, when she sat down I made her put her hand on her "boot" the shadows where oh so cool against her leg. 

I {heart} faces challenge, you can check out other entries and see their photos of "anything but a faces challenge.

Feb 25


Deshaine said...

You're right... the shadows are an interesting addition to the photo. Off to find out what hemiparesis is...

Kevin Clarke said...

Good light techniques