May 30
365 days (more or less) of me taking photos of things around me of my every day life.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
sleeping baby
he feel asleep and decided that he'd be more comfy with just his head on his Aunts' fairy couch. sleeping!
May 29
making chainmail
Hubby decided that he wanted to pick up his old hobby of making chain mail. It's a really time consuming hobby that he swore up and down that he wouldn't pick up again. But I guess never say never.
May 28
cool fabric
won't this make a cool dress? I bought this fabric on the fly and I *WILL* finish a dress with this and just to prove it I will post a photo of me in it and you can tell me what you think of it.
May 26
I'm going where?
I just love this photo of baby H! It really looks like he's saying "WHERE am I going?" Can't you see it? every time I see it it makes me smile!
May 24
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
front seat of my car
Yes, you could say that I live in my car sometimes. I have some really weird/odd things in the front seat. You could ask why I have one rubber glove, a duckie hat, an old napkin and a pink tooth brush in the front seat and I could tell you "I don't know, I just do." LOL Sometimes you really don't know why you have what you have there until you look down and see it. I must have kids. hehehe ;-)
May 23
blue eyes
blue eyes, nothing but blue eyes, nothing but blue eyes for now on. Blue Skies, sung by Betty Hutton from the 1940's That's what what going through my head when I decided to use this photo of Edd for my photo of the day. With the blue from the pool and her dark hair makes her eyes POP! (you'll have to enlarge it to really see what I mean.)
May 22
only in spanish? :-/
I saw this truck while driving down the road. I really wanted to take it's photo, but every time we stopped at a red light we were just to far apart from each other. It bummed me out; that is until I stopped at Wallyworld (Wal-mart) and noticed that it was there too! It kind of makes me upset, the long and short of it is that when my ancestors came over from Europe they didn't really have a choice but to learn to speak English. My grandfather told me that his mother who was from Poland wouldn't let him speak Polish at home, he had to learn most of it from the streets. My Grandmother was never taught Danish even though her family came from Denmark and parents and grandparent spoke it all the time to each other. She and her sisters were told "you are Americans you must speak English." So ya, seeing something like this and stores that cater to people from foreign country it makes me a bit upset because do you realize how many languages I would know if my ancestors weren't told "you're in American now; learn English."?
May 21
are they gargoyles?
I drive by this building and after they finished the I've keep wondering if they're gargoyles and the top. I finally had my camera with me and I was at the red light so I could take a photo of them. Are they or aren't they? I still can't decide. What do you think are they gargoyles or not?
May 20
May 20

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
after bath
My mom sent the girls some bath towels and they love them. They love taking bath so now getting out isn't such a hard thing as much as it was....well maybe not so much. Bath time is still the best part. What do you think? Aren't they some cuties all clean from their bath? And they smell like Baby Magic bath and hair soap. They're still my little girls for a bit longer. :-)
May 19
Thursday, May 19, 2011
2 sleeping princesses and 1 not
When I came home from clinics this day I came home to 2 sleeping princesses, 1 prince and one princess not sleeping but watching TV. She told me with her finger to her lip "shhhhhh....Edd and Wolfie are seeping!" I was planning on doing another photo but these are better. More of a pull on your heart strings kind of thing. My 2 sleeping princess Edd and sleeping princess Wolfie.
May 18
watching Wild Kratts
Edd loves wild kratts on PBS it comes on at 6:30 when we're about to sit down for dinner. We sit at the table as a whole family and eat without the TV on. She makes a big fuss that she can't watch it. Friday night we eat dinner in front of the TV and watch it, boy is she happy about that. This night her poppa was late coming home so she was able to watch it. She forgot all about the craft project she was doing, she loves it Wild Kratts so much!
May 17
Ipad is lost once more.
see I told you! Here's Henry playing my when do you think I'll be able to use *MY* iPad? LOL He loves to play Alphababy Free, never knowing what it's like to not live without a computer. WOW, it's like the idea of no car to drive around in, electricity or a phone...too weird.
May 16
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
sleeping angel
Sleeping angel; that's what this photo looks like to me, a little angel that feel fell asleep and is dreaming sweet dreams. I wanted to take a photo of him but not just the way he really sits so I added a pillow and made him look like he was sleeping.
May 14
lost my ipad...again
I lost my iPad to another daughter....LOL Tt loves to play education games, L loves to check facebook and her other websites, and now since I downloaded a new app Edd loves to play that game. Good thing I can take it to clinic with me or I'd never get a chance to play it. Oh I forgot Henry is playing baby games on it too. LOL
May 13
turtle or tortoise?
As I was walking around in Dawsonville, here my daughter's new place taking photos I saw this little guy. Is it a turtle or a tortoise? Pretty cool, living by a this little guy, but alas he'll probably move soon with his house going with him. LOL
May 12
Saturday, May 14, 2011
new pool
we got a new pool and the girls love it. As you can see they couldn't even wait until I got down the stairs to be with them. It only goes up to Edd's knees but it's going to be great during the summer...HOT summer is what it looks like it's going to be. HOT, HOT, HOT! Good buy for only $15. Lets just hope the dog doesn't decided that it's going to be his favorite thing to play in too. LOL
May 9
a secret garden
saw this secret garden as I was walking to the post office in Acworth GA. It is really pretty and when the day was as hot as it was ~in the 90's~ it still was a cool place. I really need to go back and take photos of people here. It's one of those romantic dreamy places in the heart of a small town that people forget that is there.
May 11
breakfast time
Breakfast time! I really like this photo. first thing in the morning Edd loves to eat. She has always been a breakfast eater as long as I can remember. This was just too sweet with them sitting side by side eating and talking about what they'll be doing on this day. Morning people can make others crazy with how happy they (we) are. Morning sunshine!
Monday, May 9, 2011
drink water
In our house we drink water and I let the girls drink water just about any way they want. Here's an example, just before bed Edd decided that she needed a cup of water and this was her choice of cups. Add a straw and what a better way to drink water? I guess if you wanted you could add a strawberry or a lemon wedge to get it even more fancier.
Oh and the reason why it's so dark is because I forgot to turn on my flash and then next photo I took with the flash it just didn't look as cool as this one.
So drink up ~your water~ any way you can!
Oh and the reason why it's so dark is because I forgot to turn on my flash and then next photo I took with the flash it just didn't look as cool as this one.
So drink up ~your water~ any way you can!
May 8
moon, moon, moon
So yes, it's another photo of the moon. She has wonderful phases all year long, hell through the month she's contently changing.. Each night is different from the next. Just seeing her move across the sky in just an hour came make my heart fill with wonder about the universe and what is beyond what we know.
May 7
Not sure what this is about but T really wanted me to take this....ahhhh...picture...of what ever it is. LOL I'm not quiet sure what it is, but what ever it is she sure was proud of it. I think it's because she did it herself. Gotta love a mind of a 4 yr old.
May 6
bubble popping
Went to my granddaughter's birthday party and they had a bubble machine. T just loved it, for awhile she was popping bubbles just because she could. Got a few of her popping bubbles and this turned out to be the best of the bunch. I know, I know it was R's b-day and I did debated whether or not to post photos of the birthday girl, but I figured you got to see her last week so I'd decided to do a different favorite photo of the day.
May 5
May 5
cool tootsies
What a nice way to cool your tootsies on a warm spring day;
- find a pretty bowl
- take it outside
- add water and soap
- put your tootsies in sudsy water
- sit back and relax in the sun
- holler for your momma to come outside and see you
- have said momma take pictures of you enjoying yourself in the sun
May 4
bumper stickers
As I was driving to the clinic and coming home I saw 2 bumper stickers ~both on truck too~ that caught my eye. The first one always make me wonder if the word "BEAR" spelled right and then it gets me to giggling with people walking around with hairy BEAR arms. hehehehe The other one just made me giggle. Chasing tails I have to admit that I thought of a old friend of mine that is always chasing tail but I doubt it's the same kind of tail this website is. hehehehe
May 3
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
laughing duckie
I love being outside in the spring. I have a hard time being inside. And looking out the window to take photos was a no go, so out I went. I took lots of photos of the flowers in the backyard but as I was walking back up to the house. I decided to take a few photos of Nelyn's garden, really the laughing duckie in the garden. And it turned out to be my favorite of the day. I just might be taking lots of photos of my backyard this year....that is if the weather co-operate.
May 2
morning after....
Drinking that is. 4 bottles of wine between 3 people and 2 did most of the drinking ~oh and it wasn't me! I think even one say when they woke up "I think I'm still drunk!" I think not going to bed until after 2 and getting up around 8 might ~just might~ have something to do with it too.
The morning light coming through the windows hits the bottles just right and the half empty blue wine glass makes it that much more interesting to look at. Oh and the lonely bottle of Guinness was put there by Matt who was drinking blackberries...those are yummy too!
The morning light coming through the windows hits the bottles just right and the half empty blue wine glass makes it that much more interesting to look at. Oh and the lonely bottle of Guinness was put there by Matt who was drinking blackberries...those are yummy too!
May 1
Happy Frog
We went to the GA RenFest and had a great time took a few ~okay a lot~ of photos of people and things. We even say a Scottish Santa Claus! But there was this one thing that as soon as I saw it I wanted to use as my photo a day. I follow Happy Frog and I and we've never met or probably never will. They're in Reading, United Kingdom and I'm in Atlanta, Georgia....a bit of a drive. LOL Anyway....I saw this cute little frog and thought of them right away. Ya, doesn't look like this little frog is from England but still you get the picture.
It's funny how the internet works; we're half way around the world, never met or even seen each other but as soon as I saw this little frog I thought of her. Some days you just got to love technology! Makes the world a smaller place.
It's funny how the internet works; we're half way around the world, never met or even seen each other but as soon as I saw this little frog I thought of her. Some days you just got to love technology! Makes the world a smaller place.
April 30
Remember the game? Santa got it for Edd and we've played a few times. She's getting better about playing games and not having to win all the time. We played Cooties this day and if you remember it from when you were little, it's changed a bit. The cooties aren't all the same, different legs, eyes, tongues and antennaes still fun for a little one but well as an adult not so much that is until you see the joy in your child's eyes; happy that you are with them play a game THEY want to play.
April 29
Chocolate kitty
it's so great when you have a willing model! and for this day it was my cat Chocolate-kitty. Yes we always have chocolate around the house. ;-P I think I took about 20 photos of her before we both go tired of it and walked away about the same time. Got to love cats who will indulge you with a camera just inches from their face.
April 28
on Church street
This road must have had a few churches on it to be called Church street on well not so many. This building also at one time must have been a church of one kind or another. Now it's a (I believe) a reception hall of some sort. It's a really pretty building the only thing is that you can't get a good photo of it from the street, it's way to high up, you would have to bring a ladder of some sort to take some photos at the front door if you were going to be the photographer for them...AND that tree is in the way. Sigh the things I think of when I think like a photographer. LOL
April 27
almost one
Yep, a year a go her momma was preggers with her and waiting impatiently for her to get here. How time flies. And now look at the little big and getting into everything BUT reassuring herself by coming back to her momma to make sure she's still there for her....always baby girl, always! A mother's love never ends!
April 26
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